Worst Lecture Ever!

Friday began at 11, with a Meteorology lecture that I was (as always) late to. However I only missed a bit of recap so it was all good. During the lecture we learnt about the First Law of Thermodynamics, and there was a lot of maths involved. I still managed to follow it all though which was nice.

After the lecture I rushed back home quick as my lil legs could carry me! I had a couple hours break and wanted to make the house look nice for when Tom arrived that evening. I literally spent the whole of my break tidying the kitchen and it didn't look like I'd even touched it, it was so messy.

At 2 I headed back into uni for two super fun hours of maths! The first was a Vector Calculus lecture with the lecturer that I really like. The maths is quite hard but he explains it all really really well and takes it nice and slow, he gets a big ol' thumbs up from me.

However my second lecture couldn't have been further from the nice, well-explained maths we'd been doing previously. It was our first proper lecture with this lecturer, on the topic of Fluid Dynamics. He was supposedly meant to be covering the vector calculus we'd already done, but in a more applied way, but it was so unclear what we were doing, we all really struggled to keep up. He moved from topic to topic so quickly, without any clear explanations of what he was doing or why. We must have looked quite funny all sitting there with our mouths hanging open!

After the lecture I decided to go and talk to him and see if there was a way he could go any slower or explain things in a more basic way. We all went to see him together and he was fairly rude. He said that there was nothing he could do, he didn't expect us to understand the lectures and he couldn't go any slower. Thanks mate. Honestly we were all so pissed off.

Anyway, lucky for me, it was hometime, and Tom was arriving in 3 hours! I whizzed home to tidy the house some more, which Becky then finished for me later, the absolute angel, and then headed to the train station to wait for Tom.

I was at the station fairly early so just stood and waited for him. I always get very nervous/excited/emotional when I'm waiting to see him and this time was no different!! Seeing as I had such a long wait, I just stood there and people-watched. I find train stations a bit like airport arrival lounges, there were loads of people saying goodbye and loads of people greeting loved ones off the trains, it was all very sweet and I have to say I did maybe shed a tear or two! I was feeling pretty emotional already so I think I can be excused! ;)

When Tom arrived we headed off to Spoons together to meet his parents for drinks and dinner. It was so so lovely to see him again, I feel like I fall more in love with him each time I see him, which I saying something, as I already love him very much already (I know, it's quite soppy isn't it?). It was also really nice to see his parents, Ali and Glen, as I haven't seen them in a while either. I get on with them so well, they really are two of the best people ever! We had a couple of drinks, ordered some food (I had a burger) and just had a lovely catch-up.

After dinner they drove us back to mine to save us getting the bus, and Glen gave us a pizza he had made! I was super excited because Glen's cooking is THE BEST! Tom and I just chilled out for the rest of the evening and caught up on each others news and lives.

Zoë x


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