Finding Internships

On Thursday I woke up at home, which is just the best feeling ever, right??! Mum brought me a coffee in bed and the doggies came and gave me a cuddle, whilst I read the Hotel Chocolat Christmas catalogue! Mumma and I made some of the Jus-Rol croissants for breakfast, which were lovely, and then I got ready for the day! Once I was ready we sat together and Mumma helped we sort out my CV so that it'd look great for when I start sending off my internship applications!

Unfortunately I had a lecture to get to at 12, but very kindly, Mumma drove me in so it wasn't too bad! The lecture was oceanography, and it was all about the Coriolis Force, which is an effect that acts on a mass, caused by the Earth's rotation (google it!).

As always, we had our little break between the lecture and the lab session, however, today there was a recruitment fair on in the sports park. Following my decision to switch to a year in industry, Elin and I thought it'd be a good idea to go and check it out!

It was super busy there, with loads of students and companies. There were lots of big brands like Tesco and M&S and then others I hadn't heard of. We spoke to a guy from a company called Marsh, which is an insurance company. Although it is a possibility that I could head down that route, I don't think it'll be my number one choice! We also spoke to someone from Willis Tower Watson, who are another insurance company, but a bit more interesting. They have a meteorological department that predicts changes in insurance with severe weather conditions. This company have a base in Ipswich, which would be absolutely perfect, and they sounded really interesting! Having exhausted the recruitment fair and picked up as many freebies as we could, Elin and I headed back to the lab session, which was being held in a computer room.

In the lab we looked at plotting currents and inertial oscillations, by doing some online exercises and then making a few graphs. We were finished by 4, so I headed home.

As soon as I got in, I immediately started work on one of my placement applications. It is my absolute dream placement, so I've been working really really hard on the application to try and make myself stand out. I worked on it for a solid 3 hours and then had a little break for some dinner, and to listen to Becky on the radio. After having dinner I decided to give the application form a break and so I read my book for the rest of the evening. If you haven't read Me Before You yet, I would totally recommend it! It was my second time reading it, but I still couldn't put it down!! Thanks for reading todays entry guys!

Zoë x


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