A Messy Weekend

I don't even know how I've become so busy but I am so stressed out right now! Maybe it's down to the fact that I did literally NOTHING all weekend...

On Saturday I went into the city to do a bit of shopping and pick up some things I needed and it was absolutely mental! I think the Christmas shopping season has just about started and also all the new freshers had headed for their first look around the city so everywhere was packed! All the things I went in for were out of stock which was incredibly frustrating and I left the city feeling like I'd totally wasted my morning.

When I got home I was meant to have a super productive afternoon and get all my little jobs done. However Rosie and her sister Millie were watching Luther, which is a crime drama series, and I sat down for one minute and was hooked! I ended up watching about 3 hours worth of it... Nice one Zoë.

By the time I realised how late in the afternoon it was and managed to drag myself off the sofa it was time to get ready and we were going out on Saturday evening to the UEA Ball and were hosting predrinks at ours. I was so rushed getting ready which is never very relaxing and everyone else was downstairs so I felt like I was kinda missing out, but I still hadn't put my eyelashes on yet!! When I was finally ready I went downstairs for pres and actually had a really good time. We played Ring of Fire and Cards Against Humanity and it was super fun.

Our taxi arrived at 12 ish and we headed off to the UEA Ball absolutely plastered (ok maybe that was just me!). The UEA Ball was absolutely awesome I had such a great time! I spent the evening with a couple of my housemates and coursemates and to be honest with you a really can't remember much of it! From the stories I've heard and the snapchat stories I watched the next day, it looks like I had a good time!

We got at about 4 and had a bit of taxi drama as Becky was left behind at UEA, resulting in lots of phone calls with the taxi company and one of my housemates being banned from the company... Whoops. A couple of us waited up til Becky got home and then got to bed by 5.

I was SO hungover on Sunday. I couldn't actually get out of bed til about 2 in the afternoon and spent an hour on FaceTime with Tom which was lovely. I spent the whole of Sunday afternoon in my pajamas and we all sat and watched a Netflix series called Stranger Things. I absolutely hated it! I'm not really a huge fan of paranormal/supernatural movies or shows and it really scared me! Theres no denying that the storyline is really good and the storyline and all the actors are awesome, but I honestly couldn't deal with how scary it was!

Don't know why but after 3 episodes of Stranger Things I decided to go for a walk. In the dark. What did I think I was doing?? :P I really freaked myself out and probably looked like a had a twitch I was looking over my shoulder so often! However it was my mission to get to Tesco and get myself some potatoes so I could have mash for dinner, and I proud of myself for making it there ;). When I got back I made a huge amount of super cheesy mash and sat on the sofa eating it straight out of the pan.

After dinner we all sat and watched Louis Theroux - Savile, which was quite hard hitting and left us feeling mega depressed. To be honest (I know its a controversial topic) I still don't think Louis highlighted the horrific crimes committed by Saville as many of the interviews in the episode were with people who believed him to be innocent, which is very frustrating to watch.

Went to bed feeling still very hungover, scared from watching Stranger Things and depressed from the Jimmy Savile documentary. Roll on Monday, right?!

Zoë x


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