A whale of a time!

Today we went on a whale watching trip which was a present given to us by Tom's uncle and aunt, Kev and Linda! 

Our trip was scheduled to leave at 12 noon so we got there early, raring to go, only to find out it had been cancelled due to rough weather conditions out at sea. They offered us tickets for 2 pm but told us it probably wouldn't go out. Tom and I were pretty sad! 

While we waited for 2 o'clock to arrive we went into the aquarium. It was really amazing! There was a really cool 'touch tank' where you could pet the Rays and sharks!! We watched the seal training session which was funny, all the seals were waving and saluting! We also loved the 4 storey tall tank that had a coral reef inside with a couple of sea turtles!!

It got to 2 o'clock and we went outside to find out the fate of our trip, and were told it would go ahead!!! It was a lovely trip out to sea, in the rough waves the boat bounced up and down rather violently, which I loved, but Tom, taking after his Dad, did not!! 

After about an hour and a half travelling, the crew spotted a pod of whales! We got really close and they were so beautiful and magnificent. In total we were there about an hour and saw 10 humpback whales, including a little calf!!! At one point one of the whales came really close to the boat and stuck it's head out of the water, which was amazing!! I can't believe we were so lucky to have seen them! Thank you so much Kev and Linda for such an unforgettable experience, it was truly wonderful!!!

After we got back on land (Tom was very relieved) we went and got a light dinner. As we were in Boston we thought we had to have some sort of sea food, so we went to a place called Trade, and shared calamari and scallops! 

It was such a wonderful day and we have really enjoyed Boston, it'll be sad to leave tomorrow. Bring on Philadelphia! 

Zoë x


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