Small changes!

It's now been almost a week since I've got back and I have only just fully recovered from my jet lag! It's been a wonderful week being reunited with friends, family and my lovely dogs, and I've also started making a few changes to myself and the blog!!

Change Number One: New hair!!

Almost the first day home I went to the hairdressers and made a spur of the moment decision to get my hair cut short! I had gotten so sick of it during our travels so I was definitely ready for the change! However it really shocked my family as I've had long hair forever and they never expected me to actually go through with it!

And here it is! I am very happy with it, it's a lot easier to manage now!

Change Number Two: New blog name!

I also have decided to change the name of my blog from zoenailust to 'Dots Above The E', as I'm not just writing about nails anymore and I wanted a new name that could include everything I wanted to blog about and that would be something a little different and a bit more meaningful! However it is still me here, still the same blog, so don't worry about a thing!!

Thank you if you read this little update, it means a lot to have people looking at my blog!!

Zoë x


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