A lovely week of weather

Hey everyone! I don't know about you but I've loved the cold weather we've had this week!

On Monday, my coursemates and I headed to Horsey beach in north Norfolk to see the seals. It was FREEZING on the beach, particularly when I took my gloves off to take photos!! Well worth it though as the seals were gorgeous and we saw a rainbow. It's hard to say whether we were more excited about the wildlife or the weather!

And then, overnight Tuesday into Wednesday, it snowed! I was very excited. I'm not sure anything could get me to jump out of bed faster than when my Mum shouts that there's snow outside! We had a good covering where I live in Suffolk, here are some photos:

I drove into Norwich where I met Elin and Katie on campus for a walk around the UEA lake. The snow wasn't as thick here and was melting much faster, but we still enjoyed a wintry walk!

Now last night was the coldest night of the winter so far. My personal (very amateur) weather station recorded it's lowest temperature of -5.1 degrees celsius, with the lowest temperature in the region of -8.3. We woke up to a gorgeous bright and frosty morning. We enjoyed teasing my dogs by throwing some of Wednesdays snow into the air for them to catch. Safe to say the pictures are fairly special.

 Mum and I have Thursdays off, so we headed to Walberswick beach to enjoy the sunshine. 

There may well be some further snow arriving to some parts of East Anglia tonight. Though it's also likely to fall as sleet or rain, and some places may not see any at all. Listen to my latest podcast for more details on tonight and the outlook for the weekend!


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