Oceans All Day and a Very Delayed Dominoes!

I had another crazy busy day yesterday! My first lecture was at 12 and was on the Ocean Circulation module. It was in a building I'd never heard of so we had a bit of a wild goose chase looking for it but found it eventually! It was a very interesting lecture where we just covered a few basics and then looked at some of the properties of seawater including gradients within the ocean, such as thermoclines and haloclines. 

After the lecture we had an hours break before the lab started so we headed to the freebie fair in the SU. It was absolutely PACKED!! However it was worth the ridiculous queueing as we got free dominoes, lucozade and candy floss, not to mention the mountain of vouchers that were thrust upon us! 

Once we had extracted ourselves from the freebie fair we headed to our Oceans Lab in the ICT Rooms. It was a pretty quick n easy lab practical where we just did some revision exercises and then had a little play with a website on which you create some pretty ocean maps.

The lab ended super early so I sat in the ENV social space for a bit to get some much needed wifi. I really miss just being able to pop back to my flat between lectures! At 5, I headed to the pub with some of the Met & Oceans students from each year and some of our lecturers. It was meant to be a welcome social for all the new Met & Oceans students but only 4 turned up! However it was still nice to chat to my lovely course friends and meet some of my lecturers properly. We also got a free drink on the UEA so I really can't complain! ;) We were at the pub for ages just sitting and chatting in the cute little beer garden and it got really cold and dark very quickly! 

After a ridiculous walk in freezing conditions I made it back home by around 8 to be greeted by my fab housemates who'd just ordered a dominoes - I love them so much! However we sat and waited for AN HOUR AND A HALF before it arrived and it was cold! The manager wouldn't discount it either so we weren't very happy bunnies :( (Still pizza though ;) ) 

I'm starting to feel really tired after the madness of freshers week! I'm used to going to bed fairly early because I really love my sleep and can hardly function without a good ten or so hours! I've been trying to go to bed earlier but it hasn't really worked out :P Anyhow, I actually have proper wifi at home now, so I can blog on the right days which will be nice! Thanks for reading guys, see you later!

Zoë x


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