Maths, maths maths!

Today I can actually post this on time, hooray!! The wifi man came this morning and has made us all so happy! To be honest I'm quite proud I survived without it for so long, but I've really really missed YouTube!

I had my first lecture at 11 this morning, which was Meteorology and I really enjoyed it! There was a lot of maths but I felt like I kept up with it ok and it wasn't too confusing! The lecturer is really good and everything he says seems to make sense which is always nice.

In the afternoon I had 2 Maths lectures. The first was really good, I can't believe I'm actually enjoying them. It was definitely hard but as long as I keep my focus and make good notes I can keep on top of it. I'm finding the topic really interesting, we're doing Vector Calculus and today we learnt about the Gradient operator which is basically how you differentiate scalar functions. I'm looking forward to seeing how it can be applied in real life. Then we all went to the second lecture and waited there for half an hour but the lecturer never turned up, bit annoying. I hope it's not gonna be too hard to catch up and we don't have to have extra lectures! It was meant to be on Fluid Dynamics, so maybe it was a good thing that it was cancelled as I'm not sure my brain would have coped!!

So I headed home a little early and now I'm just using the wifi to catch up on the internet and all the little jobs I had to do. I finally got to FaceTime Tom which was lovely as I've really been missing him and finding it really hard without him (I know I'm a wuss). He seems to be having an incredible time which makes me really happy. Next weekend he's coming to visit and I can't wait!!

We're just having a chilled evening tonight, gonna take advantage of the wifi and watch some catch up TV and some cheesy films! I need to get some proper sleep! Rosie's cooked us all chilli tonight and I can smell it as I write this and it smells SO GOOD! I think this will be it for today, so thanks for reading if you've made it this far!

Update: It was the best chilli of my life!

Zoë x


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