Life Update!

Wow, it's been a while! After New Year I intended to blog more, as when I get round to it, I do really enjoy it, but hey ho, it never happened!

So it's been over 2 months since I made my New Years Resolutions and I think I'm doing a pretty good job! My first resolution was to be less stressed, and I definitely have! It does unnerve me a bit how much I've calmed down... Perhaps it's due to the current lack of deadlines but I'm feeling pretty good! Let's see what happens when it gets into exam season!

My second resolution was to be kinder and more considerate, and I think I'm doing a pretty good job at this. It kind of correlates with stress levels I guess, as it's much easy to be a good person when you're happy and relaxed! I'm very happy in my house at the moment, and my housemates and I are getting on really well.

My final resolution was to be healthier and do more exercise. Again: tick! I've done it! Living at uni it's pretty easy to eat healthily, as I don't often buy myself anything naughty. I don't eat any meat at uni, and eat a lot of fruit and veg, so my diet is pretty healthy right now! I also discovered The Body Coach, Joe Wicks and his HIIT workouts! I LOVE doing them! I've never been the kind of person that enjoyed exercise, but I like these. I can do them at home in the warm and with no equipment. I would definitely recommend checking them out!

I've just got back from holiday, skiing with my family in France(photos to follow!) and am feeling really refreshed and motivated. Skiing gives me lots of time to reflect on my life and goals so I'm feeling very clear-headed and excited about life.

I've got my exam timetable today and I'm looking forward to starting on my revision and nailing a good mark this year. I'm also submitting a dissertation proposal this week, I'm not 100% on what I want to do yet, but I've got a few ideas, so I'm sure I'll be ok.

I don't think I mentioned it yet, but I've also got an internship at the Met Office this summer- my dream!! So I'm really looking forward to moving down to Exeter with Tom, and starting my job on the Weather Desk!!!

Anyhow, life is chugging along nicely at the moment, and I really appreciate it. I'm hoping to do daily blog posts, but we all know I've made that promise before ;)

Until next time!

Zoë x


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