Being Proud of Your Achievements

Yesterday was International Women's Day, and I've gotta say, it was super empowering! The positivity was fantastic, across both the national news and the internet. The best thing I saw was Louise Pentland (AKA Sprinkleofglitter)'s video 'I'm SO Sorry' which, for me, really highlighted an issue that I could see within myself too. That sometimes I don't give myself enough credit, and even downplay my own achievements. I've done some things this year that I'm extremely proud of, and this post is dedicated to them!

As mentioned in a previous post, I was picked for a Met Office Summer Internship earlier this year. These internships are highly sought and there is a rigorous selection process that you have to go through. I worked bloody hard to get this position, spent HOURS on my application and for my interview, made reams and reams worth of notes. So yeah, there it is, blowing my own trumpet and everything -  I got a MET OFFICE INTERNSHIP!

While we're on the topic of my career aspirations, I would like to highlight another proud meteorological moment of my year; visiting the BBC Look East Studios and having a go at being a weather presenter!

I know I'm not the smoothest presenter(yet!) but it was so much fun having a go!

And to finish it all off, yesterday I had the opportunity to do some work experience at a forecasting company in Norwich and got to write the forecast article for a local newspaper, the Eastern Daily Press! I wrote it with my lovely friend and coursemate Steph and it was published today, complete with a (tiny)photo of us and our names! I feel so proud to have achieved something like this, and I feel empowered enough to be able to shout about it!

So yeah, this post might seem a little bit big-headed and full of it, but the question is: is being proud of ourselves really something we should be feeling bad about?? Should I really be condemned for taking a moment to celebrate my own achievements? Just some things to think about!

So let me know in the comments below what you're proud of and what amazing things you've done this year! Lets empower each other!!

Zoë x


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