September Favourites

Now, it wouldn't be a true Dots Above The E monthly favourites if it wasn't several weeks late would it?! At least that's what I keep telling myself! The truth is I've been so busy (as I'm sure I keep saying!) and I didn't really have many favourites in September, so I didn't feel particularly motivated to write about them! However, I have finally gotten round to it, so here are my September Beauty Favourites!!

  • Fleur De Force by Eylure - Fleur Loves Lashes - I am not usually a big wearer of false eyelashes as I've never been very good at putting them on and sometimes I think they can be a bit overkill. HOWEVER. These beauties have completely changed the way I look at false eyelashes! I was so surprised at how easy they were to apply, which I think is probably to do with the fact that they are a lot better quality than cheaper ones I've used before. These look absolutely amazing when they're on, nicely subtle and just so gorgeous! I love these so much, and can't wait to try the rest of Fleur's eyelash range!
  • No7 Perfect Lips Pencil in Nude - I found this at the back of my makeup drawer as I was packing up all my things to move out, and I'm so happy to have found it! It is basically just a nude coloured lip liner, but it is a lovely natural colour and really soft to apply. I love to wear it with a nude lipstick for a nicely polished look and I have definitely used it a lot in the past month!
  • Bobbi Brown Long-Wear Cream Shadow Stick in Shadow - Normally, I would never have picked up a shade like this as it is a very neutral, matte, browny-grey shade, and I usually favour something a bit brighter with more sparkle! However, I got this after reaching 100 points on my Beauty Insider card in Sephora, when Tom and I were in the States. This is so lovely and creamy and blends beautifully. I surprisingly liked the neutral colour and have been using this a lot along my lash lines and smoking it out. I am such a huge fan of the Bobbi Brown Shadow Sticks!
And there we have it, I have finally written this post! Hopefully my next favourites will be on time, although it is likely to be another small one as I really shouldn't use my student loan to by makeup... sad face. Thanks for reading and see y'all soon!!

Zoë x

P.S. If you could subscribe to my new YouTube channel that would be absolutely wonderful! Lots of LOVE!!!


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