Uni Room Tour and Life Update

So last week I moved out of my uni halls and before I went I thought I'd film a little room tour, so here it is! It was weirdly emotional moving out, even though I never really loved living there that much! I lived in Britten House, UEA, which was part of the on campus ensuite accommodation and I did love how cute my little room was! If you're going to the UEA (University of East Anglia) next year then hopefully you'll find this useful! If you have any questions just ask! :)

In the past couple weeks I have just started a new (full time!!!) job, which is my first ever full time job, so I've been struggling to find any kind of free time at all to film videos and write blog posts. This does make me quite sad as I was so looking forward to writing/creating loads of content for you guys and all of a sudden I just don't have the time. I literally have a huge list on my phone of a tonne of things I want to produce! Hopefully I'll get better at managing the few hours I have outside of work, as I really really want to start writing proper blog posts again! Anyway, thanks for reading if you've read this and please keep an eye on this blog, I'm sure there will be things up on here soon! Hope you're having a fabulous day wherever you are!

Zoë x


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