"New Year, New Me"

I've always found New Year extremely motivating. I'm one of those who loves a good cliché, such as 'New Year, new me'! It's a chance to turn over a new leaf, and refocus on what I want to achieve, what is important, and what isn't. I feel like I've learnt a lot about that this year.

I've learnt to accept my changing views, opinions and hobbies, and not keep trying to force myself to stay the same. To try and 'go with the flow', which is really not something I'm very good at, but I'm working on it!!

This Christmas was one of the best ever, and I think it is because I managed to let go of all my unrealistic expectations and stop stressing about unimportant things. I actually relaxed (for once!!!) and just let things happen. Granted, there were ups and downs over the festive season, as I know there are for everybody, but I'm learning to not let the downs stop me from having a good time.

As I love a good old cliché New Year, I'm gonna write down some 'resolutions' to get the year started. I probably won't stick to them, but that doesn't matter!

  1.  To be less stressed, relax, and know that it will all be ok in the end.
  2.  To be kinder and more considerate (not that I'm a really bad person, I'd just like to be a better one!!)
  3. The really cliché one: To be healthier and exercise more!! 
There are probably more that I can't think of right now, and I'll let you know if I think of more! 

I'd also like to continue writing on this blog as I do really enjoy it, but I need to make sure it doesn't become a task that I have to complete, as that would take the enjoyment away!

Let me know what your New Years resolutions are, we can be cliché together!!

Zoë x


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